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Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2004 17:27:07 -0500
From: Doug Kelly <CENSORED>
To: W. Campbell <CENSORED>
Subject: Re: hybrid7 patches

Just to let you know, I've created a patch for ircd-ratbox 2.0.1 to allow
halfops.  It's pretty complete, but also pretty untested.  It'll support
CAPAB, the 005 numeric, as well as ensuring users don't get stuck with +oh,
although +hv and +ov are possible (although they SHOULDN'T cause an issue).
The only thing I'm unhappy with is m_kick.c's prevention of kicking opped
users.  It really is a hack, since msptr is getting overwritten.  Anyway,
I've attached my latest copy... don't really have a home for it yet.