The following is a summarised list of the main differences between the release versions of hyb7 and ircd-ratbox. - persistent channels were removed from hybrid7, they still exist here but will only be used when someone splits leaving a channel empty. - temp dlines - temp klines/dlines are more efficient and maxed at 4 weeks. - /quote XLINE to set xlines via the ircd, checked against existing clients. - /quote UNXLINE to remove xlines via the ircd. - remote unkline support, similar to remote klines - remote xline support - remote resv support - networkwide user@host limits - CIDR glines - vchans, lazylinks, anonops and halfops were removed - umode +g uses numerics instead of notices - rewritten config parser, allowing oper "opername" { etc. - RPL_WHOISACTUALLY, a numeric in whois that helps to show the source of host spoofing - stats v shows sendq and connect duration - tkline expire notices are optional - redundant mode code for channels (disallowing multiple +o) was removed - support for REHASH TKLINES/TDLINES/PGLINES/GLINES - RESVs set via the ircd are now stored in resv.conf and will keep through a server restart - encrypted passwords in auth {}; are supported - an operator {}; flag allowing/disallowing use of operwall - support for hidden admins - people with admin privileges who arent shown to be admins - protection against sendq exceeded on /list - 'paranoid' notices were removed - optional delayed kline checking - functionality to specify an outgoing IP per connect {}; - cluster code, to share klines/unklines/xline/resv/locops automatically with other servers (a version of hyb6s SLAVE_SERVERS) - trace is reallowed for non-opers - ETRACE, a version of trace with gecos information - CIDR limits per class - a reject cache, which handles clients repeatedly connecting and being rejected which lowers load significantly - split delay, delay after split ends to disable splitmode - /quote set operstring - /quote set adminstring - quitstorms actually work and dont kill a server - user@host spoofs - spambot_exempt in auth {};, exempting a user from spambot checks - "sendq after burst", allows servers to have a smaller sendq after the burst has finished so dead links are dropped quicker. - topic bursting system, optional per connect {}; - ziplinks actually work. - xline characters '#' to match [0-9] and '@' to match [A-Za-z]