# $Id: special-commands.txt,v 1.1 2003/08/18 03:31:27 musirc Exp $ ajoin - 'Admin Join'. Allows an admin to join into a closed channel. AJOIN <#|&>channel :reason status can be one of these four: ' ' '@' '%' '+'. map - 'Network Map'. Shows opers/admins the network map. olist - 'Oper List'. Without any arguments, LIST will give an entire list of all channels. The list will be in the form: <#channel> :[topic] If you want to use a specific filter, you can pass one or more options separated by commas (','). Recognized options are: *mask* List channels matching *mask* !*mask* List channels NOT matching *mask* >num Show only channels which contain more than users users C>num Display channels created within last minutes C minutes ago T>num Limit matches to those channels whose topics are older than minutes T minutes To stop a running OLIST request, use /OLIST command again. omode - 'Oper Mode'. Shows operators modes of channels. OMODE <#|&>channel onames - 'Oper Names'. Shows operators all matching names on a channel. ONAMES #channel opme - 'Force Op'. Allows operator/admin to gain ops in an opless channel. OPME <#|&>channel otopic - 'Oper Topic'. Allows operators/admins to see topics of channels. OTOPIC <#|&>channel owho - 'Oper Who'. Allows operators/admins to see all matching who. OWHO *mask* or OWHO <#|&>channel owhois - 'Oper Whois'. Allows operators/admins to see full whois. OWHOIS nickname