6.3.1+services-command.diff - A patch to provide services command shortcuts for Hybrid 6.3.1. This installs the support files, a Perl script, a sample conf, and a README to allow a network to create a set of custom commands for their network. h7-ratbox-services.tar.gz - A Perl script, sample conf, and README for the a Hybrid 7/ircd-ratbox version of the above patch. The module generated can be run on all servers on your network. hyb-strip-patch.tar.gz - A patch for Hybserv to correct its help (online and help files) to say "use /nickserv" instead of "use /msg nickserv". This patch is provided by DB7 (irc.1streviews.com) NOTE NOTE NOTE: The Hybrid 7/ircd-ratbox generator now FULLY functions!!