Message customization/localization system David Taylor $Id: message-customisation.txt,v 1.2 2004/02/02 23:43:37 ircd Exp $ Please send any comments, questions, flames or suggestions to the above address :) How to use gettext() support ---------------------------- Assuming ircd-hybrid is compiled on a machine which supports gettext(), configure should automatically enable gettext() support, although this support can be explicitly disabled by removing the definition of MSGPATH in include/config.h If gettext() support is disabled, ircd-hybrid will use the default compiled in messages in src/ If gettext() support is enabled, ircd-hybrid will attempt to load the messages from MSGPATH//LC_MESSAGES/ The selected locale can be set in the ircd.conf file, or by setting the LANGUAGE environment variable before running ircd-hybrid. It can also be changed at run time using /quote set MSGLOCALE . Setting a locale that does not exist will cause ircd-hybrid to fall back on the compiled in standard messages. Currently available locales are: custom These are the messages you would have seen if you used the old CUSTOM_ERR define in config.h. ayb 'All Your Base'-type messages. standard (This doesn't actually exist as a locale, but using a non-existent locale will use the compiled in defaults). Customizing the messages ------------------------ In messages/, run ./create_po with the name of the new po file (.po), and add the new po file to Then simply change any messages in the template file that you want to ("" will cause gettext() to use the original message, unchanged), and run make. If any messages in the hybrid tree are added/removed, running make mrupdate will attempt to merge the changes into the po file, and will add any new messages to the end of the file. Running make install should install the compiled .mo file in the correct place. Notes ----- Any message that should be translated should either be in src/ (if it's a numeric), or else should be written as _("string") instead of "string", which allows gettext() to translate it, if it's enabled, and also allows create_po to pick it up as a translatable string.